A Big Dogs Role on the Homestead
Who’s a good boy? Who’s a gooooood booooy? Yes, you are, yes you is! Here click more details you go a big rawhide bone just for you and a big sloppy dog kiss for me. If you think I baby my dog too much you wouldn’t be wrong; Bear earns every bit of praise he gets, from his laying around just dominations hack cheats looking top eleven cheats tool big, to his very protective and very insistent way he has with strangers.
Imagine a 100+ pound dog glaring at you from a read here window, what better deterrent to have when an intruder comes to call? Talking with other homesteaders about security systems and other fortifications, meant to keep threatening persons out, we always come to the conclusion that none of these things has proven to keep a truly persistent criminal out; four legs, a tail, two pointy ears, big teeth and a very intense gaze from a 100lb. animal is enough to deter even the most determined individual.
Criminals like bullies, in most cases, want an easy target they don’t want any opposition. If they encounter opposition they generally move on to find easier pickings elsewhere; though all situations differ I would still count on the primordial fear that fangs and claws instill in humans.
Not to portray mans best friend as only a savage security guard, large dogs have had many roles in helping humans to emerge at the top of the food chain. A few of the “jobs” that canines excel at that would require a dozen or more people are: herding, rescue work, and of course, security. Hard work to be sure, but, to be compensated by being fed, housed and pampered? Who came out better on this deal? Who’s to say that the human/canine symbiotic relationship didn’t come about from a very primitive ability to reason – by canines – that it’s better to include humans in their pack, as these hairless, clawless beings seem to be pretty good at getting food. However it happened humans have benefited from the partnership.
Back on the homestead these big dogs have also doubled as draft animals, the size of the Newfoundland or St. Bernard has placed visions of “dog back riding” in many a child’s mind – not to mention a few adults. Hauling a sled in winter loaded down with firewood or hauling their human out of a big mess they’ve gotten themselves into are jobs performed, without question, by a loyal friend. It goes without saying you treat your friends how you would like to be treated.
Bear has been gone for a few years now and that feeling of loss – and not wanting to feel it again – have faded, also, a certain 3 1/2 year old wants a puppy. So, it’s going to be a big puppy for sure.
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