Take Out the Trash
Yes, you heard me correctly – take out the simcity buildit cheats ios check more trash! Get out of your head! Empty your mind of all those negative, self-sabotaging thoughts. The trash you carry around is the only obstacle keeping you from the only thing that really matters – this moment – here – now. When you are totally in the here and now, you will be amazed at what you can do and how well you can do it.
How often are you 100% devoted to the experience you are having? How often do you pay attention to what is going on around you? When you allow yourself to live in the past or future, you are missing everything that is going on around you, and trust me, there is always something going on.
Let us say for example that you are behind on your bills. You are not being paid for another week and yet you allow yourself the constant worry of paying your bills. You stay so focused on not being able to pay your bills that you miss everything and everyone around you! If you cannot pay them today and you already know you have to wait until you get your next paycheck, why carry that around with you? Why trash your mind with something that is taking you away from what really matters? What good is it going to do you or your loved ones to stay focused on what you cannot do today when it is clearly out of your control? Would it really be that bad to just let it go and live in the moment? What is the worst that can happen? Oh yeah, you will begin to feel good! Gosh, that would be terrible, wouldn’t it?
Have you ever asked yourself why you choose to spend so much time in the past or future when the only real time you have is here and now? There is no other real time because you will always be in the present moment. Once that present moment passes we consider it to be the past. If you want to stretch your mind a little further, there is no future. How can there be when there is only the present moment? You are constantly living in the here and now so why would you want to clutter it with meaningless garbage.
I want you to think about something. If the only time we really have is the present moment, do you realize how much power that holds? How much power you hold? You can completely shape your life the way you want it. When you stay focused in the here and now, it immediately connects you to Source Energy – to who you really are. When you are connected to whom you really are, you then have the power to do, be or have anything you want because there is no resistance! Isn’t that exciting to simcity buildit hack cydia know! All you have to do is to devote 100% of your focus to the experience you are having right now! How do you do this? You do this by being in the moment with everything you are doing. When you are driving to work, do not think about what you are going to make for dinner 10 hours from now, focus on your driving, how the car feels, what song is playing on the radio. When you are making dinner, do not think about the work that is sitting on your desk, focus on making dinner, how the food feels in your hands, what it smells like, what it taste like. Be in the moment in every moment. It does not matter why, how, when or who, all that matters is how you are feeling. When there is no resistance, there is only joy and happiness.
Eckhart Tolle sums up what being in the present moment is, through his book, The Power of Now. “Having access to that formless realm is truly liberating. It frees you from bondage to form an identification with. It is life in its undifferentiated state prior to its fragmentation into multiplicity. We may call it the un-manifested, the invisible Source of all things, the Being within all beings. It is a realm of deep stillness and peace, but also of joy and intense aliveness. Whenever you are present, you become “transparent” to some extent to the light the pure consciousness that emanates from this Source. You also realize that the light is not separate from who you are but constitutes your very essence!”
The only time you have is this moment – do you want to enjoy it or waste it?
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